【同义词辨析】 2019-05-13 不安qualm-demur

qualm: implies an uneasy fear that one is not following one's conscience or better judgment: no ~ about travelling in the Middle East.   (在中英文中,害怕都有两个意思,1.表示没有勇气,如害怕敌人害怕困难 2.担心顾虑,如害怕今天时间来不及,如本例害怕违背自己的良心)

scruple: implies a doubt of the rightness of an act on grounds of principle: a lawyer totally devoid of ~s.   doubt怀疑,这里也是表示担心顾虑,类似于上一句的fear害怕

compunction: implies a spontaneous feeling of responsibility and compassion for a potential victim: not likely to have ~s about knocking out his opponent.         spontaneous自发的,如spontaneous applause自发的掌声

demur: implies hesitation caused by objection or resistance to an outside suggestion or influence: accepted her resignation without ~.

qualm良心不安疑虑: 指担心自己违背了良心,或作了错误决定,scruple良心不安: 指担心自己的行为不正当违背原则(即良心),compunction内疚懊悔: 指感到自己对受害者负有责任应该自责(原文中compassion是同情),demur犹豫抵触: 表示反对抵制其他人的建议干预因而犹豫

记忆方法: 1)首字母QSCD错的事情<==使人不安

        2)不安的意思是对做某事感到疑虑mean a misgiving about what one is doing or going to do.   misgiving疑虑在2019-02-08 疑虑apprehension-presentiment